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During the 80's I had a number of articles published in Short Wave Mag, RadCom, Amateur Radio, and Ham Radio Today. A couple of them even made it into one of the RSGB aerial books.

These days my articles find their way into the pages of OTNews, the quarterly members magazine of RAOTA

Having had a close encounter with a lightning strike early in my ham radio career I've always had a healthy respect for it, so it was inevitable I took an interest in the physics behind it. You'll find the resulkting article HERE

There are a number of VHF/UHF quad-band FM mobile rigs covering 10/6/2/70cm but Martin Lynch & Sons commissioned a custom batch of a quad bander with 4m instead of 10m. You'll find what I thought about it HERE

Ernst Krenkel (an official hero of the soviet union) pioneered the use of Polar stations. My article about him was written in conjunction with RW3GA. To be honest I was basically the translator & compiler of information he provided. Yuri's english is far better than he realises. Find it HERE

Another article I helped edit for RW3GA showed the construction process of their contest station RT5G on a piece of land they purchased. Amazingly all their aerials and towers were home-made, and assembled in some pretty extreme weather conditions. Read it HERE

Jackson Bros capacitors have a long history in amateur radio. Their company was trading until fairly recently, after being rescued by MainLine Electronics. Sadly they have now given up the unequal battle against cheap imports and the company is now finally gone. Read about it all HERE

What time is it? Sounds a simple question, but it is actually quite complex, as you'll see HERE

Keeping a morse key or paddle in position usually relies on a heavy base. Not exactly convenient for portable operation. An alternative method is shown HERE

Everybody is a sucker for a freebie. Find out about making traps for free HERE

GreyLine propagation was something I made use of for 80m DXing. details HERE

Tiny garden? No chance of LF DX? Maybe I can change your mind. See HERE

I recently tried /A for the very first time. read about my preparations and the outcome HERE

At the 2017 UK National Hamfest I spotted an interesting CW paddle. My review is HERE

At the 2018 UK National Hamfest I collected my TS890. My review is HERE

The one that didn't get published : In 1980 I wrote a SciFi novel. They say there's one book in all of us. Unfortunately they don't say if it is any good. I never managed to get it published, although to be fair I gave up after one rejection. Apparently 'Harry Potter' was rejected several times. I did post it on my site for quite a few years but never got any feedback so I guess I have my answer as to how good it was. Thats why its not here any more. Maybe I'll get it published as a Kindle eBook one day.

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